How to Help the Music Industry Take You Seriously

When submitting your music for review, the way you present yourself and your music is absolutely important. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Contact information – there is no point in being anonymous if you want to make it in the music industry. When submitting your work, make sure your basic contact information is included. This includes the name of your company, a contact name, email address and telephone number. Ensure that all items are labeled or marked with this information, and that it is included on the CD.

Photograph – get a professional photographer to take a few pictures of you. Sending in a Polaroid sends out the wrong message about you and makes you look unprofessional. Your image is as important as how your music sounds.

Package – package your submission neatly. Do not over tape the envelope. Make it easy to open for the person receiving it.

Label the CD – ensure the CD is labeled, even neatly with a felt tip marker is fine. Include details of the artist and contact information.

Be professional – hand written notes are a big NO. Include one A4 sheet that looks impressive. Craft your bio so it is interestingly presented. Make sure it is a computer generated resume you include. If you expect a reply, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Apart from all this, remember, it is very important that you get the music right. It must always remain your number one priority, the rest is just icing on the cake, which of course can amount to a great deal. Presenting yourself professionally can go a long way.