How to record a band demo CD or band demo tape

In order to get your band booked for future gigs, the band would have to submit a demo tape or CD to a booking manager or company. There are varieties of methods of creating your own band’s demo, listed below are a few of the most common methods:

Home recording- To create your own demo at home, your band would have to rent or buy a portable home recording unit. To make sure things run smoothly read the instruction manual thoroughly and make sure the unit comes with sufficient memory. After you have recorded your music, you can burn your CD or tape on the same system.

Computer recording- This technique has recently become very popular. You should start by purchasing the relevant software for computer recording. Make sure your computer has sufficient memory to hold your music. To record the music to your computer, you would need purchase interface equipment. This equipment lets you plug in your mics and other musical instruments straight to your computer.

Studio time – If the band prefers to let a professional handle their demos, the band would have to book studio time. Before booking studio time, ask the studio to give you a sample of their work. This will give you a good idea about the quality of the work you can expect. Studios will charge the band on the time it takes for the demo to be made, therefore make sure the band is well practiced before the day.

CD cover- A good quality CD cover can really make your demo stand out. Making your own CD cover is as easy as purchasing the relevant graphics software and printing your covers at home.