Why Gospel Music Hasn’t Changed

Radio has been around for several decades, and while the advent of television seemed to slow down its progress for some time, the internet has resurrected it back to its former glory in the form of internet radio.

However, it’s not just about how radio has been presented but also the content that has been a part of everyone’s lives for so long now. Take for example, gospel music, which has no doubt experienced a sea of change ever since DC Talk made “Jesus Freak”, and the idea of creating devotional music for ‘cooler’ audiences has caught on.

Of course, while the other genres have continued to evolve while incorporating “old-school” styles but keeping in touch with the latest trends of people everywhere. A classic example of this is definitely country music which has seen so many artists come and go over the past few decades.

Rock has been no exception either, as the 60s form of rock n roll has evolved as well to progressive and even soft rock, which caters to very different audiences. However, where Christian music remains true to its roots is the message that it propagates about Jesus’ love for mankind and so on and so forth.

So while the medium of radio has changed for the better, there are some genres in this world that will never change, and then there are others, who experience a paradigm shift of sorts. But no matter what these changes, fans who know their way around the internet will only stand to gain.